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Bit Form – Drop-Down field

The drop-Down field in the form builder is a data entry screen where the user only has a set number of choices to select from. This is helpful when you want your users to select from a predefined list of values, but you may not want to enter each one manually. Users can enter their custom values or select a value from the drop-down list.

⚙ General Settings

1. Field Key​

In Bit Form, every field has a special identifier known as a Field Key. This field key uniquely identifies a field, it also helps to send data via email, PDF, store database, and PHP action hook. These keys are important in Success/Error Messages, WebHooks, Redirect Pages, Email Templates, Workflows, and Integrations.

2. Name

The Name is an HTML equivalent input field’s name, you can customize it easily according to your preferences. You can easily modify it to suit your needs.

A field’s name is like a special label used when you submit a form. For example, let’s say the field name is “text-1-5”. In this case, ‘text’ tells us the type of field it is, ‘1’ refers to the form ID, and ‘5’ means it’s the fifth-number field on the form. This field name can be used for various purposes such as Fetch data from url parameter.

3. Field Label

You can set a proper name for the field that is considered a field label. This label name will appear on the front end of the form you will display. You can hide the field label if you want.

  1. Adding Leading and Trailing Icons: The leading and trailing icon option allows you to add a symbol or image at the beginning (leading) or end (trailing) of the field label. With Bit Form, you can access over 10,000 icons from various open-source libraries and upload a custom icon to suit your specific needs.

note-icon-bit-apps  Note

At Bit Form, we’re thrilled to provide you with a huge selection of over 10,000 icons from various open-source libraries.

4. Subtitle​

The subtitle is an additional piece of text that appears below the label of a field in a form. It offers further clarification or context to help visitors understand the purpose of the field.

  1. Adding Leading and Trailing Icons: The leading and trailing icon option allows you to add a symbol or image at the beginning (leading) or end (trailing) of the subtitle. With Bit Form, you can access over 10,000 icons from various open-source libraries and upload a custom icon to suit your specific needs.

5. Admin Label

This field is designated for administrative use and allows an administrator to set a label name that will be displayed on the responses page.

6. Size & Position​

It typically refers to the dimensions and placement of an input or output field within a user interface. It specifies the width and position, x-position, and w-width of the field on the screen or page.

7. Placeholder:​

A Placeholder is a property by which the user can understand the usage of the field. Any text entered on the placeholder will be displayed on the fields. The placeholder text will disappear when the user starts writing on the field.

8. Helper Text​

It offers further clarification or context to help visitors understand the purpose of the field. This option allows you to guide your user on what kind of information should be entered, any restrictions on the input, and any formatting requirements.

  1.  Adding Leading and Trailing Icons: The leading and trailing icon option allows you to add a symbol or image at the beginning (leading) or end (trailing) of the helper text. It serves as a visual cue to help users understand the context of the text. With Bit Form, you can access over 10,000 icons from various open-source libraries and upload a custom icon to suit your specific needs.

9. Required

The Required Field option allows you to make a form field mandatory for the user to fill out. You can also specify an error message to be displayed if the field is left blank. With the “Custom Error Message” option, you have the flexibility to customize the error message according to your needs. Additionally, you can add Leading and Trailing Icons to the error message for better visual representation.

  1. Adding Leading and Trailing Icons: The leading and trailing icon option allows you to add a symbol or image at the beginning (leading) or end (trailing) of the error message. With Bit Form, you can access over 10,000 icons from various open-source libraries and upload a custom icon to suit your specific needs.
  2. Asterisk Position: The asterisk symbol position indicating a required field can be set with this option. You can choose to display it before or after the field label and on the right or left side of the field.

10. ReadOnly:​

The read-only field option makes it possible to show information to visitors without giving them the ability to modify it. Visitors can only view the information and not edit it. This is helpful in cases where you want to display important information that should remain unchanged. By setting the field as read-only, the information remains unaltered and accurate.

11. Disabled

The disables field option disables user input and interaction, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of form data by preventing the visitor from entering or changing any information in the form.

12. Search Placeholder

By this option, the admin can add/edit a search placeholder text for the field. The placeholder text will disappear, and the search results will be displayed.

13. Show Selected Option Image

Enabling the “Show Selected Option Image” option allows you to display an image associated with the selected option in a field.

14. Selected Option Clearable

The “Selected Option Clearable” feature provides users with the ability to clear their selected option(s) in the field. There is a small “X” icon next to the selected option(s), allowing users to easily clear their selection(s) with a single click.

15. Search Clearable:

This option allows the user to clear the search. There is a small “X” icon within the search box, allowing users to easily clear their search with a single click and start a new one.

16. Allow Custom Option

This option allows users to input a custom option that is not included among the predefined choices. This feature improves the user experience by allowing users to add their options. Users can simply type in the value they desire within the search option to add their custom option.

17. Multiple Select

This feature allows users to select multiple options, including a custom option, from the dropdown list. Users can select multiple options and also add their custom options if they want. By enabling this option.

Minimum Option

By using this option, the admin can establish the minimum number of options a user can select. If the limit is exceeded, you can configure an error message to be displayed as well as customize the message to your specific needs.

Maximum Option

By using this option, the admin can establish the maximum number of options a user can select. If the limit is exceeded, you can configure an error message to be displayed as well as customize the message to your specific needs.

Disable if maximum selected:

Enabling this option allows the admin to disable certain options once a maximum number of selections has been reached. For example, if the maximum number of options allowed is 3, and the user selects 3 options, the remaining options will become disabled and cannot be selected. This option helps to prevent users from selecting more options than allowed and provides a better user experience by making it clear which options are available for selection.

18. Show Selected Option Chip​

This option allows the user to display all the selected options in the field. This feature is particularly useful for multiple select dropdowns, providing a clear visual representation of the user’s selections.

19. Close On Select

Enabling this option automatically closes the dropdown menu after the user selects an option. This feature improves the user experience by reducing the number of clicks.

20. Hidden

This option allows you to make the field hidden when the form is displayed on the front end.

21. Options List Height

This option allows the administrator to set the maximum height of the dropdown list. By setting a maximum height, the dropdown list will only display a certain number of options at once, and the user will be able to scroll through the remaining options if needed.

22. Validate as Entry Unique

23. Lists & Options

This option allows an administrator to create multiple lists of options for a drop-down field. Administrators can create and manage different option lists and then select the desired list to use for the drop-down field. Once you select a list, the options from that list will be displayed in the drop-down field.

Options Administrator can add and remove the options of this field, as well as you can import options for this field. This feature allows you to import files from File Upload. Additionally, this feature allows for the selection of a default option when the form is loaded, as well as the ability to disable certain options.

Import Options​

Now you can import options for the Select field. This feature allows you to import files from :

File Upload:

{” “}

  1. For the file upload option, you have to choose out of 6 file types- txtjsonxlsxlsxcsvtsv
  2. File types with separator -🔰 txt file (comma, space, new line & colon separated)🔰 json (array, object, array of object & array of objects)🔰 xls & xlsx (single & multi sheet)🔰 csv & tsv
  3. Import types are:✔ Replace Previous Options✔ Merge with Previous Options


  1. 32 types of preset are available on the import option Some categories are i. Business
    • Industry NamesIndustries SIC
    ii. DateTime
    • DaysMonthsTimesTime zonesWeekdaysYears [2021 – 1921]
    iii. E-Commerce
    • 163 CurrenciesSizes
    iv. Geographic
    • Continents249 CountriesCounties [UK]Provinces [CA]States [AU, CA, IN]Divisions [BD]Union Territories [IN]
    v. Personal Statusvi. Survey
  2. Import types are:✔ Replace Previous Options✔ Merge with Previous Options

⚡ Post: You can show WordPress posts as a Select option.

  1. You can select an option by Filter by post type or filter by post status.
  2. Order the Select field option by the Post column name.
  3. All the data will be shown like – Key & Value. The value option can be stored on the responses management

⚡ Terms: You can set tag / Categories as a Radiobutton option.

  1. Filter the option by taxonomy. If the Use Post Taxonomy field is turned on then when the post is created it will add taxonomy automatically.
  2. You can order the Select field option by Order by & Order.
  3. Set the label from the Select option.

⚡ User: You can set options of Select by the users information

  1. Filter the role of the user while choosing the options.
  2. You can order the Select field option following the user’s information column by Order by & Order.
  3. Set the label from the Select option.

⚡ ACF Field Option: You can set options of Select by the ACF Field.

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